Feigao 380S 4515KV Brushless Motor (3808409S)
Feigao 380S "Short" Size Motor in the "Short" length for Micro Boats. 28mm in diameter.
This 380S "Short" Sized Feigao Motor is 48mm in Length.
Motor Specs:
4-8 NiMH or 2s to 3s Lipo cells in a Micro mono or Micro hydro in the 15" or so range.
200-300 Watts Maximum with proper cooling.
27.6mm dia x 48mm long
1/8" OutPut Shaft
5 Ounces
Aluminum Purple Anodized Casing
2-Pole Neo Magnets & Compressed Windings
Motor mount screw spacing is both 16mm and 19mm.